# ttrpg

There are 28 hours left to support - our queer, tarot-inspired about boats, death, endings and the natural world.

Jez Ferothas (Any/All) is one of many trans, queer characters in our game. Ze is a riverfolk Captain of the Hanged Man.

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There are 31 hours left on !!

In our game, our seven playbooks/classes are tied to three 'Paths' each, which follow the principles of the Major Arcana.

The Fool is the only Face of the River which walks no Path - but is represented in Port Town

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I have to thank - who gently suggested we maybe shouldn't put a 100pg + fully illustrated game manual online for free, and then slightly blew my mind by reading the game and asking to help us run a Kickstarter. This game is better because of them

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Of course huge thanks has to go to my darling - who takes the things I write and makes them beautiful and interesting. I still can't believe they loved this little thing as much as I did. They never fail to surprise or delight me. I love you, Max

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Happy payday! Thank you so much to all of the generous people who've backed today!! We've crossed £9k, which means we're within sight of our first stretch goal...!! And that stretch goal is going to be even more art from our incredibly talented artists!

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Well, I figure there might be a thriving dime novel community in so here's something in honor of the Minnow.

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Hey Rich, thank you for the space! Our tarot-inspired, pastoral fantasy game about sailing a ship on a magical river, has a pre-launch page live on KS now. We'd love it if you gave us a follow! https://t.co/CB2VzF7pzj

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