I literally forgot to show the last V'day sketch to you!
Thanks for the oportunity to work with that characters 💜

6 18

Lucien x 2022 V'Day! 💝🦋💜 Lucien is smooth~ 🥺💓 || Appreciation Tweet ||

(All I want for V'day is Lucien & He came home, I Love You So Damn Much Lucien!💋🥺)

9 22

matchy matchy v'day icons for me n by 😻

5 17

that v'day tradition art stuff yessu

first is .w./

6 30

hi I was feeling lonely on V'day so could you hook me up on a date with your char for tonight ?

1 24

Lucien is Our Precious Pearl Angel! 🐚🦋💜 [恋与制作人 official fanart for V'day 2022 / Commissioned by PG] || Appreciation Tweet ||

41 97

"Lucien with flower bouquet waiting for His Butterfly" is an exquisite view + there's ribbon (again) + that warm embrace = such a dreamy V'day 2022 💐🦋💜 || Appreciation Tweet ||

23 73

Lucien in "Love Alpha"💐🦋💜 [恋与制作人 V'day 2022] || Appreciation Tweet ||

(I saw that theory: "Luci kept his promise",he made during "Cape Holiday" & I'm so spellbound rn😭🦋)

16 48

Morning,I opened couple commision v'day halfbody for$20 if anyone interested please feel free to dm me(simple bg) for semi and cellshade it will take 1-2 days but for colored sketch($16)it will take 1 days,❤️n retweeted is appreciated

12 15

Here's a late V'days.
Sorry bout that. =3=;/

28 192

happy v'day 💜
still alive will be back on April hopefully💦

6 34

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ kira kira sparkly senshi mahou shoujo galactic giga shounen ✨ ok. nvm. Happy V'day~! ;3c

266 792

It's too late to celebrate, I know, but here you go...
Happy V'Day 💕🥰

2 17

V'day art of my OTP with (*´∀`*)♥♥

Thank you so much for all the gifts, you deserve so much love //smooches u

1 18

V'day mood :
Unlovable shithead XD

0 0

ok it's a tradition for me to make really terrible v'day cards every year so here you go

2 10

Happy V'day everybody, here’s something silly to show how much I love you! o3o ♥Thanks ​ for the pun

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