1 Legión = 10 Cohortes (5356 legionarios)
1 Cohorte = 3 Manípulos (504 leg.)
1 Manípulo = 2 centurias (168 leg.)
1 Centuria = 10 Contubernios (84 leg.)
1 Contubernio = 8 leg.

Formación de ataque de 1 centuria.

“Proeliis parta sunt, ferro et viribus, sed bella parta caput”.

18 87

— your own crew just to get your rocks off in a fight.

ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ forms. ❜

The air fell.
He repeated; assertive.

❛ I said change. You've gotta' have at least one more in the tank.

'Cause this one ain't doing sʜɪᴛ to me. ❜

10 5