🎂Hoy 26 de febrero es el cumpleaños del maestro Hitoshi Sakimoto, gran compositor y fundador de . A él le debemos gran parte del universo musical de Ivalice y relacionados: Tactics Ogre...


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gives me hope that there is still room today for mature JRPGs both in plot and art direction, sound and character design.

We need more serious JRPGs like and some titles from the and series.

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So I found this character model which went unused in there is no mention of her anywhere in the story that I can find, and now I'm left wondering who she is, not only in relation to Crimson Shroud but also if it even *was* a character at some point.

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Hi! I share the progress of my own remake of the EarthDragon from which I will rig and animate soon. I hope you like it!

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20 ans pour ce chef d'œuvre atypique. J'ai une relation particulière avec je l'ai commencé et j'ai détesté... 10 ans après je relance le jeu et j'adhère totalement au délire. Une DA d'exception, un jeu exigeant qui demande de la patience et un scénario incroyable.

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