Angst Anyone?
I felt like tearing my heart in two and thought i would share. Perfect for how i feel today :)

3 11

Because It's his birthday (and provided such a gorgeous dress) Zavir is insisting you compliment him.
Azrael and Vastrial reaction for fun~

4 10

I have not figured out a good way to render kinky hair in my simplified style, so I attempted something here lol.
ANYWAY my OCs Azrael and Vastrial for
(Honestly. they're still fine AF)

7 19

Woke Up feeling some kinda way about the complicated relationship between Azrael and Vastrial...
The question is, can Azrael ever be set free?

4 17

13. Any Parent Ocs?
Yes! Satan and Nadine are my version of Alastor's parents, and well, Vastrial has had WAY too many kids, therefore making Azrael a dad by proxy (although Azrael has never had a partner since becoming an Archangel)

0 6

(RE-UP I messed up the image lol)
I MAY Be Thirsty,
but I think Vastrial is worth it.

4 12