[Anyone who dares approach this stance will meet their death!]
Here’s the True Dark King Vearn in the art style. And special thanks to for helping me out with the effects.

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The countdown to the Pillar of Vearn detonation is five minutes in the manga, but doubled to ten minutes for the anime. Possibly this is to better match up with the actual amount of screen time, or just to avoid the inevitable Namek comparisons.

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As usual, the anime tones down the amount of blood as Vearn’s arm is cut off. Notably, there’s now no blood splat on Vearn’s face, and no bone or dripping blood visible in his wound (I suppose Dai’s slash cauterized it, lightsaber-style)

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The 4 characters I’m obsessed with:
True Vearn
In no particular order. Feel free to tag along.

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Lord Vearn (from Dragon Warrior: Dai's Great Adventure)

Please read it because it is a masterpiece.

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In the manga, even when Vearn concentrates his power into his karate chop, his hand kinda just glows a bit. In the manga though, it becomes a very DB-esque energy blade.

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As Dai gets an inkling for how to beat Vearn’s fighting stance, in the manga he dismisses the idea with a wordless shake of the head, while in the anime he notes that “I can’t do it alone” (a thought that will pay off next time)

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In the manga, Vearn tells Leona that he’s never met such a strong-willed woman before, while the anime changes this to someone “so young” yet strong-willed. On the other hand, Leona taunting Vearn about being wounded by a girl is left as-is.

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At this point in the manga, Vearn bluntly tells Leona that he’ll make her his own. Perhaps this was seen as too suggestive (or possibly just too vague) to serve as a cliffhanger, so the anime changes it to be a bit more descriptive.

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The blood spurting from Dai’s wound is toned down a bit in the anime. There’s also a trickle more blood from Vearn’s hand wound, while in the anime it looks more like ash (on the plus side, the anime does show his wound healing)

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The original name for Vearn’s karate chop is “Calamity End” (ie those actual English words), which was apparently deemed not natural enough or something, and so is slightly modified to “Calamitous End”. The same process happened for Vearn’s other technique, Calamity Wall.

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Vearn’s fancy combo attack is called the 天地魔闘の構え/Tenchima-Tō no Kamae, with 闘の構え/tō no kamae meaning a fighting stance, and 天地魔/tenchima referring to heaven, earth, and the demon world (underworld), which are the three realms the world of Dai is divided into.

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Nueva imagen clave para DRAGON QUEST THE ADVENTURE OF DAI con el verdadero Vearn revelado. 🐲⚔️

Transmisión simultánea de nuevos episodios todos los viernes en Crunchyroll.

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In the manga, Vearn’s young naked body is fully lit but looks like a Ken doll, anatomically speaking. The anime instead covers his lower region in smoke and shadow.

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The voice for Myst’s true form is supplied by none other than Toshio Furukawa (famous for playing Pan’s uncle and Yamato’s BFF). There is a certain similarity between Vearn’s body-splitting/recombining antics and Piccolo and Kami’s relationship (plus the young and old Piccolos)

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Comparando manga y anime. En el anime se ha optado por sombrear algo el cuerpo de Vearn, a pesar de que en el manga no se veía nada de su entrepierna

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[Goodbye, my friends. In this moment, I will become the sun!]
The first half is done, and in the style of (not sure if I got the style exactly right though).
And next up, Vearn.

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Vearn’s offer for Dai to join him is an echo of the Dragon Lord offering to share half the world with the Hero in DQ I (also referenced with Hadlar and Avan). And of course there’s also a DB analog…

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