Vegito, Zamasu, Trunks, Gogeta Blue

0 0

🔴 Vegetto, Vegito, Vegerot, Vegeku...

11 31

I love how Bandai wants to show us that we should love both Gogeta and Vegito, and not always argue about which of the two is better.

258 3062

Card Game Dawn of the Z-Legends

BT18-148 SCR Origin of the Legend
BT18-147 SCR SS4 A Light in the Dark
BT1-111 SCR SSB Kaio-Ken United Divinity

4 19

BT1-111 SSB Kaio-Ken Son Goku, United Divinity
BT18-147 SS4 Vegito, A Light in the Dark
BT18-148 Bardock, Origin of the Legend
Il manque plus que la God Rare a être dévoilé.
Des pronostique ??

7 26

Ya’ll have no idea how much I hate this channel and the jerk behind it.

Seriously, this was the same guy who ran around and stated that base GT Pan was stronger than Super Vegito, and insulted anybody in general who disagreed. Not shocked that video got deleted. Lol

0 1

Ultra Super Vegito is probably my favourite character in Dragon Ball Legends.
I'm so glad we got a new Fusion Warrior for the 4th anniversary! If you still don't have Vegito, I hope you get him before he leaves!

2 35

now that we have ultra vegito, when is legends gonna give us a bridal dress gogeta as the next ultra

9 65


382 506

Thankyou for the tag! Master chief, Akiba red, vegito, lum. Name 4 fictional characters you’re obsessed with and tag 4 others to do the same! Tagging:

0 5

vegito, yuugi, Grimlock dinobot the best el mejor mas lindo grimlock y una satori

7 22

But enough of me drooling at Vegito, there also Limit Breaker Ssj4 which is the Full power of Ssj4 as the transformation is achieved via a Ki Transfer of extremely strong energy from several other Saiyans into the receiver. Huh.... I'm really sleep on this since huh.

0 4

Vegito, according to AI generation.

0 2

you just cant improve on vegito, certainly not like that

1 7

You two have Fused together, so we did the same.
Now, face me, God!
You've rambled on long enough!"

The mightiest of Fusions from DragonBall, one of my favorites, Vegito, portrayed by the fusion of my Foxy and 's Daisey, creating Daixy!

1 2

Cards, SA Names, SA Quotes, and Stickers DDL 3-9-22 {SSJ 2, 3 Goku, Android 13, 18, 21, Whirus, Mighty Mask, King Cold, Kid Buu, Videl, Supreme Kai, Tiencha, Vegeta, Piccolo Jr., Gohan, Baby, Vegito, Global⚫️NOTE: Full Assets in the Imgur Link} [THREAD]

2 48

These buggers wud cry Gotenks, Majin Boo, Gohan are OP af. Then they'd cry Goku & Veggie returned. Finally, they cry Goku left flyin with Oob. Always cryin😂 without Goku, there's no SSJ2,SSJ3, Gotenks, U.Gohan, Vegito, Gogeta. Meanwhile niggas cryin in corner for past 30 years🤣

0 1

Character popularity chart from the PC leaderboards.

Vegito, UI, and Gogeta Blue are the most popular characters with 7200/7200/6400 players respectively. GT4 and Black both have about 4300.

The closest gap was between A18 and Tien... a one player difference.

It's ordered.

7 26