So very pleased to announce that you can hear me as Mia in available now!

Enjoy~! And defeat me if you can, weakling!

Thank you so much & for having me! 🔥

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Armor-bound Muscle Women? 🤔 In YOUR area?
More likely than you think!

And they're voiced by Me.

You'll hear me as the Big Gold F gal in releasing today! Enjoy, & a Big Gold thanks to & for having me! 🎉

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📆 Sorties du jour!

🔹#TentsAndTrees, un jeu de puzzle jouable en coop

🔹#VernalEdge, un metroidvania qui lorgne du côté du Beat'm All

🔹#TheWreck 🇫🇷, un visual novel avec une chouette DA qui aborde des thématiques qu'on ne voit pas souvent traitées dans le JV

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