No sun, today, but for it's a different story! I've missed you A LOT ♥
I hope my chibis can still make you smile (even in moments like these!) ♥

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🚨 And we’re off!!! 🚨#VersaillesFamily the auction for a ticket to & concert is now live!
Place your bids at & help treat bushfire affected Wildlife.

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Good evening my amazing It's been a while..! ♥ So I was thinking.. Monchelotte for December 2018? I love you and I miss you all!!! I hope you're well ♥

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I'm waiting (impatiently : D) for a new season of and drawing smol fanarts for this TV series, I love it so much♥

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What I should do while waiting for season 3. Draw as much as I can.

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Chevalier has a shoes fetish;))) And one day he presented to Philippe these boots)

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As the are all rallying to cause, here's a painting of Le Chevalier to celebrate 💖

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Carnival is coming! Are you happy? Someone here is way too excited...

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*Yawn*! Good morning my beloved and other I hope you have a beautiful day whatever you plan to do 🌅☀️🍒🌞🌄.

Today will be spent mainly with my sister and adorable little niece, can't wait 💞🦄💞!!

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May this new year bring you joy, health, happiness, and all you need ♥ I love you, my thank you for everything, I hope to spend many years with you all! ♥

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Morning my brilliant & other I hope you have a lovely day ♥️🌅☀️🐣🌞🌄♥️. Chillax day for me today though yesterday was fab ♥️

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Good morning to all my fabulous 😘 hope your day positively sparkles with loveliness!

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