The renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli was obsessed with a married noble-woman named Simonetta Vespucci, he used her as a model for his famous painting of Venus & asked to be burried at her feet.
Is it just me, or is this guy stealing my mooves?

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1499 – Americo Vespucci, on Spanish financed trip, sights coast south of Cape Cassipore.

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Samuel Arlent-Edwards, Simonetta Vespucci, 19th-20th century

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El Nacimiento de Venus, obra cumbre de Sandro Botticelli y uno de los símbolos de la Florencia Renacentista, ha fascinado y sigue fascinando a los amantes del arte. La perfecta Venus es el rostro de quien fue musa y amor imposible de Botticelli, Simonetta Vespucci, 🧵👇

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Samuel Arlent-Edwards, Simonetta Vespucci, 19th-20th century

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El rostro de Venus🎨
Dicen que el pintor Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) se enamoró de Simonetta Vespucci, a quien habría retratado en sus obras
Su rostro estaría, p.ej., en «El nacimiento de Venus» o «Venus y Marte»
Se casó con Marco Vespucci (familiar de Américo Vespucio)

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the name giver of America. Interesting an allegorical views. Enjoy discovering!

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Amerigo who gave his name to a wonderful country. All three 19th century versions are full of allusions, allegories and historical evidence. Including dragons, and a turtle used as a carriage. Enjoy the discovery!

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Simonetta Vespucci, nata Cattaneo, andò in sposa a un lontano cugino dell'esploratore Amerigo e fu tra le più note nobildonne del Rinascimento. Fu amata da Giuliano de' Medici, ma restò per sempre nella memoria del mondo grazie a Sandro Botticelli che la ritrasse più volte...

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Simonetta Vespucci, Samuel Arlent-Edwards, 19th-20th century

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Did I ever tell you my real name❓
It’s Amerigo after Amerigo Vespucci, the man who discovered the continent❗️

Holy Moly, what does it all mean🤯🕸

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El 26 de abril de 1476 muere Simonetta Vespucci, una de las caras más famosas de la historia del arte europeo

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Modèle du genre... Simonetta Vespucci, femme noble de la cour de Laurent le magnifique, était célèbre par sa beauté et son charme. Elle mourut à 23 ans. Elle servit de modèle à Sandro Botticelli qui demanda d’être enterré à ses pieds. La requête lui fut accordée

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