I don't know where to start...but you know I love you so much. thanks for being here naoki! thanks for the memory. you're my first bestfriend in this virtual world and a very kind sister! I will always support you! ViNao will be greatly missed by everyone❤️


3 30

MALAM! Jangan lupa mampir ke acara "Curhat dong VINAO" episode "Cinta"!

Waiting room : https://t.co/0ILog1xW8e

Note : Bagi yang masih mau setor curhatannya, masih bisa ya. Form akan ditutup saat stream dimulai~

4 21

Pina yang gabut di jam 4 pagi: ✍️

Pina sama Nao lagi cosplay jdi vampir ceritanya www

1 25


Sesuai jadwal, Nao ada stream freetalk curhat dgn kak

Nah, Nao mau ngumpulin curhatan mentemen ni dr skrg. Kalian bebas mau curhat apa aja. TAPI, sebelum curhat, kirimin foto kucing dulu ya hihi~

Linknya : https://t.co/QJgp1BmuQj

Yuk curhat dgn Vinao!

7 31

Jack Vinao from SL1&2. A calm classmate of the main character. Loves his books, loves hanging in the common room with the others while not participating in a conversation. Special ability is teleportation, but he still gets to be a healer. Animal shape is Arnoux's beaked whale

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