living for chibi Viken's cuteness 🥺

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You know what would be cool?
See how the leaves of Viken's branch are purple/blue?
It makes me think of hydrangeas (the thing most think to be flowers are in fact leaves).
They change colors depending of the acidity of the ground they grow in.
What if Viken's ones do it too?

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cw // SPOILERS to TSS chapter released today!

Remember questioning films - Viken's animal was a butterfly. He is also assosciated with butterflies in WLTS.

His spikes take a form of a branch. And that branch is in a shape of a butterfly wing.

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This chapter of has wonderful foreshadowing of the nature of Viken's powers hidden through the whole thing.
When they fell down the leaves stuck to him and he was unable to take them off.

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Grrr why did the chapter end on a cliffhanger!!! I really thought they'd reveal how power unfolds in chapter 4. 😩 Pls my impatience and curiosity is k-wording me.

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Howdy everyone! Today I bring you redesigns for the first comotan characters I ever made!
Viviken - A farmer who just wants to be strong for his family, but he's kind of a weeny
Tania - Viviken's wife, surprisingly strong for a farmer, can be tough on Viviken
(New and old)

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