The way hair is laid over his bandana seems to indicate it was wrapped around his head while his hair was still short. I had figured his hair would have grown while he was in the tank, but maybe not. Hope we get some lore on his odd attire.

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Long post

1/ Assuming the end of pt 3 does involve DoC, one issue for Sephiroth is that control of Chaos prevented Omega from ascending with the corrupted lifestream (Jenova/Sephiroth essence). Sephiroth has to ensure this doesn't happen again. But how?

2 15

Is it just me or does hair and cloak get more 'chaotic' after each compilation? And yes I'm adding the Kai art because it's the latest design we have of him. Also-- I appreciate how his cloak is split in two with wing-like joints.

21 90

Not sure what to think about limit breaks for SE is leaning heavily on DoC, so Chaos and Galian will surely look like their DoC designs. Death Gigas and Hellmasker were not in DoC, and the designs are out-dated. Will they redesigned or replaced?

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