doodle dump I never posted on here! Ya girl finally gave in and made toons on moonguard. I was not let down, and now all my nelfs are all gay 👌👌

8 18

I can't decide if I like this coloring style or not yet-

7 17

I have so much art I haven’t posted on here cause let’s be real... I forget I have Twitter a good 70% of the time

5 8

Finally finished! And now back to your regularly scheduled posting-

5 21

I’m joining in on the bandwagon! Oh how much I wish Eiche could look like this in game!

0 7

Finished! If Aloin was in the Warcraft universe, she’d definitely be a night elf!

11 29

I can’t believe I didn’t post the final on here either!! Regardless, y’all I got my first bounty put on me and it gave me so much muse ayy

34 129

I was going to finish this before new year started but y’all know I’m horrifically lazy

8 41

Unfortunately I didn’t have any drawings from 2009, so I had to go with the next best from 2012!


3 23

My druid, Eiche! All dressed up for the Reuploading cause twitter isn't working with me

102 556