Book 25: Slayers Vol. 6

The Slayers LNs are a blast to read through, and I like that this volume brought back some familiar antagonists. Lina's commentary is also still one of the biggest highlights of the series!

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Book 22: Kaiju Girl Caramelise Vol. 4

Kaijiu Girl continues to be a series that I didn't know I needed, but I'm 100% glad exists! Kuroe and Arata's relationship is still precious, and I'm excited that the series is finally alluding to Kuroe's orgins.

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Book 17: Slayers Vol. 5

It's a shame this material was condensed into a single episode in the anime, because it's actually really good and has some great world-building! And of course, Xellos makes everything better!

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(Been a while since I've updated this thread lol)
Book 16: Call of the Night Vol. 1

My review and the SNS episode of this are out already, but as a reminder, Call of the Night is awesome and you should totally go read it!

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Books 12-15: Love Me, Love Me Not Vols. 3-6

God I just love this manga! I'm surprised how fast the series' initial conflicts have been solved, but it works so well because of how incredibly endearing the characters are. I need more!

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Book 9: The King's Beast Vol. 1

My full review of this came out last week, but this was really good! The exploration of Ko's character and her desire for revenge is a strong hook, and I think the developing mystery has a lot potential!

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Book 6: Bakemonogatari Vol. 6

I'm constantly blown away by how great this adaption is! Araragi's fight with Kanbaru takes up a good chunk of this volume, and the sheer amount of detail that Oh!Great puts in is insane! I can't imagine how Kizu will look...

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Book 5: Not Your Idol Vol. 2

I liked how this volume dived into Hikaru's vulnerabilities as well as Nina's changing perception on him. It's also a huge shame that this series is still on hiatus, because the cliffhanger of this volume is brutal. 😭

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Book 3: Slayers Vol. 4

Amelia and Sir Phil make everything better! The foreshadowing to Gaav's introduction is handled really well, and you can tell that Kanzaka has a clearer direction for the series at this point.

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