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is a mind-bending supplement takes your characters into digital worlds untold—the datasphere.

Discover a bizarre new realm of wonders, mysteries, & danger. Learn secrets of the Ninth World. Adventure awaits!


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Some creatures of the Ninth World have an affinity for the datasphere, and their dataforms (avatars) look NOTHING like how they do in the physical world. Any guess as to what this thing is? :) https://t.co/Fy8HQUFCaB

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When you transcribe yourself into the datasphere, you have the option of "decyphering"—turning the matter/energy from a cypher into a benefit like healing, temporary Armor, or a helpful automaton dataform called a daemon.


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Your virtual self in the datasphere is called a dataform—a digital representation of you, that's even more you than your regular (flesh) self in the real (physical) world. https://t.co/Fy8HQUFCaB

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Because the datasphere is a virtual realm, you can explore all sorts of weird nodes (locations) that don't obey the laws of physics. And in most nodes can basically travel at the speed of light! https://t.co/Fy8HQUFCaB

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