Patriotism means doing your part to choose the direction of our country. Vote.

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“That women should have the suffrage, I think no one can be more deeply convinced than I... but it will probably be years before you obtain it.” Flo was right; it wasn’t until 1928 that women over 21 were finally given the vote. Use your vote today!

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I voted! 🗳 Don’t forget about the absentee ballot! If you ever find that you can’t make it to your polling place in future elections, ask for an absentee ballot to be sent to your residence a week or two before Election Day!

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Here's my election day cartoon! I put up a big blog post about "I Voted" sticker cartoons. Oh, what a delight! Go take a look at: to see some election day sticker cartoons that are better than mine!

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One things for sure, a party like this shouldn't even be in the picture.

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