It is Valentines again

All Vulcans are tsundere

113 775

GM❤️, “The Observer”

You see things,
you keep quiet about them
and you understand
You’re a wallflower.

Open for Offers above 0.2Eth

Link in Thread ⬇️

27 64

GM❤️, “We’re The Same” is

Available at 0.25Eth

Description in Alt

Link in Thread⬇️

28 61

Good morning 🌺,

Who made something for the month of love?

This is a valentine special

Dropping tomorrow

Have a lovely last day of the month ❤️

26 67

The Observer

You see things,
you keep quiet about them
and you understand
You’re a wallflower.
I didn’t think anyone noticed me

•Perks of being a Wallflower

Available on offer

Good morning ☀️


17 44

The Veil

You can’t stay on the sidelines forever
You can’t just sit there and put everyone’s life ahead of yours and think that counts as love

-The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Available for offer on

55 108


13/20 at 5XTZ

From Mind Camera Collection

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel and it’s not Wednesday series without those hogwart stairway and the interior which reminded me of the renaissance style

Link ⬇️

41 69

Good morning 🌞

Thanks to for picking up an edition of “Wednesday”

15/20 at 5XTZ

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel

13 46

Kilonova. she was the representative of the pyronite species in the legendary 10 who rose against the first highbreed invasion (BTW the dress thing is not exclusive to her, like how males puronites get Vulcans on the shoulders the females get the supernova dress)

72 550

“Wednesday” live on Objkt

16/20 at 5XTZ

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel

Link ⬇️

14 29

The Veil

You can’t stay on the sidelines forever

You can’t just sit there and put everyone’s life ahead of yours and think that counts as love

“Being A Wallflower” Coming soon

Good morning 🌺

23 38

Thank you for picking up “Wednesday” from Mind Camera Collection. I appreciate it❤️

16/20 at 5XTZ

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel

17 28

Thank you for picking up “Wednesday”

17/20 at 5XTZ

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel

15 26

The Art of Expression

We are who we are for a lot of reasons and maybe we’ll never know most of them, but even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, We can still choose where we go from there

Coming soon

Good morning 🌞

41 84

“Wednesday” from my Mind Camera Collection

Sold 2 Yesterday

18/20 at 5XTZ

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel, and it’s not Wednesday series without those hogwart stairway and that touch of renaissance

32 59

1 Edition Sold to

Thank you for collecting “Wednesday” I’m glad to hear about your love for the Movie and your enthusiasm ❤️, I appreciate it

18 Editions Left at 5XTZ

Let’s make it less 😉

Link ⬇️

15 20

“Wednesday” is live on

20 Editions at 5XTZ

Mind Camera Collection

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress (Bloody Mary) in a sequel, and it’s not Wednesday series without those hogwart stairway


32 63

Good night 🌙

Recreated Wednesday Dance dress in a Sequel, and it’s not Wednesday series without those hogwart stairway the architecture in the interior which reminded me of renaissance

13 30

idk who this character is i just like to draw uhura kissing vulcans

2 12

El doodles…. If u read me n Vulcans u know who she is

1 17