🎉Happy World Downs Syndrome Day
My son has Down’s syndrome so this day is very important to us
I’ve learnt so much through my son and continue to learn more
With the Origin Collection
made this NFT for me It resembles Declan & his toy elephant

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Thanks to scientific innovation and medical advances, people with Down syndrome have healthy, accomplished and long-lived lives. Today is World Down Syndrome Day. Image:

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A few fabulous books to read on World Down Syndrome Day ❤️

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Inclusive images are important so all children see themselves as equal. Delighted 4 of our titles featuring children with on 's book list celebrating shining a spotlight on all children https://t.co/OUzShLBKsW

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A few fabulous books to read on World Down Syndrome Day ❤️

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Thank you some of our titles: One, two, three... RUN! SUN, WIND, WINTER, MAKING FRIENDS

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