
Haikkk!! Libur PKL, waktunya ngerjain WFH, oke sama aja kerja😃😃

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Some ask me if I still open my cafe during EW.
Me: If I WFH, 99.9% you will see me open during the weekdays, but when it night….MSQ!

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話說最近都在WFH, 趁在家的時後都會多跟肥仔傻妹玩,順便想要訓練一下他們不要常咬人(X)👻




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Sorry, no stream tonight! Even though I'm WFH, I have too much work to catch up on. I uhh... wisely spent 3.5 hours of my workday watching debuts and stuff... I was thinking of revamping my schedule setup anyway, so it was totally planned!!!

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於是拿出當了許久追劇神器的IPAD PRO
( 該校正回歸生產力工具了XD ),
初體驗就用七月的扶桑花女孩迎接夏日🌹 ~
感謝 .tw 攝影大師作品提供靈感

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Hi I'm a mixed Vietnamese-American cartoonist and illustrator who loves visual symbolism and strong themes! I'm looking for agent rep and although I'm also currently developing a graphic novel pitch!


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I'm Kotaline Jones, and I'm a cartoonist, illustrator, and storyboard artist! I'm a flexible artist open for WFH, and I love contributing to unique and quirky projects. Also open for agent rep! :)

⭐️ for more, see my website: https://t.co/0pmOgmAQjs

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👉Don't like or RT if you aren't an agent/editor!👈

Hi I'm a US-based cartoonist! I love creative storytelling, sitcom humor, and character-centric narratives.
Interested in & looking for agent rep!


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September 15. WFH, but make it fashion. Probably baking a peach pie later.

literal cocktail dress from Bettie Page Clothing, passed to me from a friend. Hair down. All the curls.

Now, if only I had an apron 😂

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Karyaku! Hi! Izin setor karya yah ☺️ saya sedang belajar ilustrasi digital beberapa bulan terakhir sejak WFH, sudah lama sekali ga gambar akhirnya ada waktu buat gambar lagi dan senang ternyata ada forum sharing karya juga di Twitter. Salam kenal! 💛

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Hello it's me head phone on, (decaf) coffee in hand. https://t.co/3N1u9Va4aY

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They’re our daily wage creatives. They’re creatives because without their skills and talents, our ideas would just be ideas on paper and nothing else. As we WFH, they have no work and no means to support their families. So please help. Retweet and help these hardworking people.

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Wfh sih wfh, tapi deadline kerjaan tetep jalan. Nimbun oc dulu aja deh. Namanya Syifa dan Giring, santri jawara dari padepokan Al-Mualim, jangan main-main sama mereka 😡

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Excited to talk with the amazing and tomorrow! Topics may include: leading design teams now we're all how they're coping with that and what does the future hold for and https://t.co/ABbdchecMR

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Niat awal saya adalah memberi bacaan di sela-sela masa wfh, tapi ternyata ada beberapa yang berminat buku fisiknya 😳

Maka saya buka PO untuk reprint dalam jumlah terbatas (termasuk buku lama saya yang lain, jika ada yg minat fandom lain 🙏)

PO : https://t.co/Hxdw3VcOMp

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Doing fanart under quarantine, well, aside WFH, I guess my lifestyle doesn't change too much. Often I choose to spent my time drawing while listening to music rather than going out. Now, here's RAIN era Heejun. 4 Keuns down, 3 more to go!

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