Whether or not a woman has a sword, powers, or even seeing her fight to protect her children or loved ones can be a noble and beautiful thing to see from her.

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Família Maximoff ta aqui 😎😎 (repostando)
, Paul Bettany, Jett Klyne and Elizabeth Olsen

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"We have said goodbye before, so it stands to reason…
We’ll say hello again"

New WandaVision painting finished!😄

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Mais uma fanart da Wanda kakkakaka

❤️+💬+🔁 = artista muito feliz


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Fanartzinha da Wanda🖤

Inclusive se vcs puderem me seguir eu fico muito feliz 😳

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Second times the charm 💖#WandaVisionFinale spoiler Agatha! I want a team up movie with her and Wanda just going ham on some baddies

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