in the aftermath of the massacre at Skalathrax the World Eaters were scattered into wandering warbands, Khârn himself disappearing into the Eye of Terror to seek new foes to kill for his god.

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Had a reasonably productive week and finished the excellent Ogroid Myrmidon, the rest of the Plague Bearers and a Chaos Spawn for . With the Warcry warbands, I can now get 1000 points on the table

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got the paint sticks put again! More Warbands, this time Ylthari's guardians. Really like these, but I'm not totally happy with painting of them. Think they need a orange spot colour and the Blades could be better.

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yet more been busy painting and it makes me happy 😊
So here are the my buddy got me, cheers.

Love the can't wait to use them

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more Warbands, this time

Plan to get to a 100 minis by the end of the year 😁

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Here is an Illustration for WARBANDS, a Black Wasp Games kickstarer which is now LIVE!

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