This was a cute one! They're also up for sale, 15 U/S/D for them! : )

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ummm wariror cats ocs! theyare sisters!

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He has big ears and tiny paws and I love him. Whoever guesses him name gets a cookie

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I drew some Blossom Valley characters from memory yesterday too and forgot about it until now lol

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Random Runningnose Warrior Cats art from a few weeks ago because I just think he’s cute and also I want to post my furry / cat art here too occasionally LMAO Runningnose best boy 💖#warriocats

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I’m remaking my Warrior designs. Starting with Firestar’s family tree so here’s Jake.

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Dewdewdeweweweweewwepaw he’s one of the 4 main protagonist’s in a thing a friend and I have going on (He is a girl, just goes with he/him pronouns because they make him happiest)

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Poor little Inkstride, one day he will get enough courage to talk to her! <3

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