Got some Kroot Mercenaries from the new Kill Team: Into the Dark from a preview copy.

Absolutely amazing models to build and paint !

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My poor boi, What have they done to you. Even ripping a blues into bits, I love all the new chaos models revealed today. But what legion to pick....

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So 3 new Predators, a unit of Nundams, a unit of Celestians and the Dogmata as a minimum then 😅

This is going to get expensive in a few months time!

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day 59. The Slaanesh Infernal Enrapturess is done! Had so much fun doing the grisly bits. Also means I've achieved one of my 2021 hobby goals, >500pts painted Slaanesh Daemons 😁😈🥰

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Hope all you Hedonites have a wonderful Valentine's Day weekend ♥ 🍑

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Be like Serious Steve.
Keep politics OUT of your hobby!

(We're thrilled to be back for the Second Edition of Buttress Warhammer with our new artist: ! Thanks for joining the team!)

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So this is my battle force in all its glory. Have to say that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on them and I feel that they are my best to date.

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"We are launching a account featuring a new bespoke visual identity and much more personal to all of us. A rich range of subject matter from our gang for the low price of just €49.99/mo."

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So, using the prompts below, here's my "Dead Proud" design!

...dead proud of this one 😋😅🤣

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My first 2 attempts at digital art, and I'm pretty darn happy with them! 🥰❤

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"Today, we defeated diversity. Tomorrow, they'll name me Warhammer Hero. The sky's the limit, my friends. The sky is the limit. HO HO HO!"

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"Changing LORE to reflect diversity is like taking a 10-ton sledgehammer to crush an ant."

10 101

"This doesn't seem to be that much of a problem to me."

11 100

Today I'm launching a community initiative to encourage people to paint miniatures and share their inspiration.

Check it out here:

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And done. Could be better, could be worse. Either way, a good starter drawing to get me back into things.

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of a Chainrasp in my new sketch book. Been a while since I did any drawing. Used a 2B pencil and watercolour pencils so far.

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