Potions & Notions: 'The Sorceress' (c1911, Peter Nahum Leicester Gall) for The artist's 3rd depiction, after Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses (1891) & Circe Invidiosa (1892). Her name is on the back of the canvas. Leopards watch on as she plots her spell...

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'Destiny' (1900, Burnley, Towneley Hall Art Gallery) for this week's Our muse drinks a libation to departing heroes with a sympathetic gaze towards the ships already under sail. Thanks to Anthony Hobson's seminal 1989 monograph on the artist for this info.

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'Echo & Narcissus' (& studies) (1903 Walker Art Gall) for In Ovid's Metamorphosis Echo perishes for Narcissus who is then caused to fall in love with his own reflection as punishment by the Goddess Nemesis. A Narcissus flower grows on the spot where he dies.

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Medieval tragedy & intrigue for With the Rapunzel-like 'Fair Rosamund' (1916, priv.coll) we return to Rosamund Clifford, mistress of Henry II, kept in a tower surrounded by a maze, a tale which fascinated Chaucer, Tennyson, Swinburne, Rossetti & Burne-Jones.

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