A small caravan of wandering tradesfolk invites you to peruse their wares. Their sly smiles betray their greed, or perhaps another hidden motive altogether. What happens next?

2 7

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A massive herd of grazing herbivores crosses your path. Thousands of peaceful beasts stride lazily through the sea of grass, unperturbed.

8 8

You stumble upon a wide semicircle of tents splayed amidst the plains. The denizens, claiming to be a group of nomads, invite you to rest your feet at their camp and exchange news.

2 7

The birds and crickets suddenly fell quiet, as the tall grass around you rustles gently in the windless evening. Is it time to...

🌸 Roll Initiative
🌸 Perception Check
🌸 or Dash?

3 7

This mystical lady handed me this Citrine gem. She said to use this to help people sign up for the Double Proficiency Patreon. I couldn't turn her down. -George


1 6

You spot the light of a campfire, surprising so deep in the bowels of the earth. Approaching, you discover a fully set camp with several sleeping rolls, but no living soul to be found.

1 6