Very thankful to for having acquired several of my becoming my bigger an much appreciated 🙏🙏

View collection here 👉

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Artists, how do you see yourself?

Artist shapeshifts his artistic identity dressing as different characters in his works part of the series collection.

Azogue suggests artists see themselves as martyrs, some misunderstood.

And you?

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everybody, as the exhibition of is coming soon, I am preparing special editions of my In the meantime you can get already this 1/1 from "Parade" digital drawing 👇👇

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Investing in quality Time to get unique work "Boy, you're gonna carry that weight" from the Series


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"Performance" from one of the works where I revisit recognized “performaces” and reconstruct them inserting costume characters as “the artist”. 😉


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OK, to the show me your most artistic Drop them here 👇👇👇

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