There are so many great ThunderCats Classic action figures to be made! The future is bright! action figures by

17 77

action figures by to return! SDCC 2019 is only a month away! There are so many characters left to be made! Let's complete the collection!

8 68

ThunderCats Classic by needs to return! We hope to hear confirmation on the return of the line this summer!

18 87

Cheetara, Tygra, Jaga, Lynx-O, Bengali, Snarf and so many others need to be made in ThunderCats Classic by ! action figures to return now ! Let's complete the

16 75

You can & that action figures by now! Let's complete the rest of the lineup! Slithe, Monkian, Vultureman, Ratar-O, Cheetara, Tygra, Lynx-O, Bengali, Snarf, and so many others need to be made!

19 86

The lineup is not complete! We need Cheetara, Tygra, Slithe, and so many more characters in ThunderCats Classic by ! You can and that action figures to return immediately!

13 75

We need more ThunderCats Classic by ! Let's complete this great collection. Cheetara, Tygra, Lynx-O, Snarf, Bengali, Slithe, Vultureman, Monkian, and more! You can that action figures back!

24 121

Now that Grune is back, we need to complete the rest of the amazing ThunderCats Classic line by ! You can that back by calling Mattel at 1-800-524-8697 or visiting their website

15 51

Get the word out to that with Cheetara, Tygra and the rest of Third Earth too! You can also call them at 1-800-524-8697 or send mail to:
Mattel, Inc.
333 Continental Boulevard
El Segundo, CA 90245-5012

27 92

action figures by to return! This is the best updated action figure line ThunderCats has ever had, and we hope it can be brought back soon! Hopefully Warner Brothers will grant the license again so we can get the rest!

14 65

action figures by to continue so we can get the rest of the Evil Mutants! Slithe, Vultureman, Monkian, and the rest! You can contact WB directly at their customer service site here:!

13 55

If you want accurate and well designed ThunderCats action figures that only the can deliver, tell Warner Brothers that action figures back! Bring on Cheetara, Tygra, Snarf, Slithe, Monkian, Vultureman, and the rest!

31 110

Tygra and Cheetara need to be made in ThunderCats Classic! You can contact Warner Brothers directly at to say action figures by to return so we can get updated versions of these great characters!

7 64

ThunderCats Classic is not complete! Contact Warner Brothers and tell them action figures by Four Horsemen Studios to return with Super7 so this great line can continue! We need Cheetara, Tygra, Slithe, Monkian, etc....!!!

9 40

ThunderCats deserves a complete line in modern style! by to return ! You can contact Warner Brothers at their customer service site at

14 58

action figures by Four Horsemen Studios to return in 2018 with Super7 ! It's been decades since we had a complete ThunderCats line, and ThunderCats Classic started out great! Contact Warner Brothers directly!

13 32

ThunderCats Classic started out fantastic! Tell Warner Brothers at that action figures by to continue in 2018!

3 34

What other sketches and plans do the Four Horsemen have in mind for ThunderCats Classic toys? ThunderCats Classic can continue if Warner Brothers lets Super7 make the line! Contact WB at to say back !

7 42

ThunderCats Classic needs to continue so we can get Cheetara and Tygra! Contact WB at!

9 52

It would be scary not to get more great figures like Mumm-Ra! Contact WB at to say back!

12 34