Edwin and Otto squabbling over a Webley revolver. This is just and not really based on a scene in the story.

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Webley-Fosbery Self-Cocking Automatic Revolver

16 46

Let's do OCtober! No prompts, I just wanna draw my OCs this month! Here's Will 😊

It's inspired by the song "Something Super Sweet" by Rory Webley!

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Dear Commanders,
Type 95's Prairie Gentian and Her Season and Webley's Before Sunset will be available as costume packages starting Mar. 8th! Type 95's costume features Simplified Live2D animation. Don't forget to hug your loved ones while you can.

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Wish my boy union jack got more love

Like he's basically just an S.A.S. dude that is so good he can go toe to toe with supervillains with a fucking Webley and a dagger

1 1

Webley, Mark VI
Reliable, Effective, Timeless.

(please don't use .45ACP loads in shaved cylinders)

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1 7

Webley base and wedding skin are drawn by different artists (silverwing and firewood respectively).

But both are equally as dramatic. I hope it'll be a recurring theme with Webley's future skins (if any).

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Which is Webley Revolver?

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