Aight its not really weekly anymore, but I'm trying my hardest. More Sarangerel, she always makes me feel better. Please enjoy her new outfit, designed by the lovely @/JrPorpora! 💖

12 26

Gah, I sure hope I havent forgotten anything this time but!!!! THEM!!! 🥺💖

Please enjoy my Terrangerel Brainrot.

14 34

I got art doneeeeeeeee!
Adopt originally from @/meganedere_art, and now happily at home with me ;v; <3
Hope you guys like his artwork 💖🥰

6 10

Belated but done, and its a meme thats hella outdated by now! Still hope you enjoy this little joke! 🤣🥰
Self indulgent and cringey ship, but I am cringe and free!

6 18

My first piece of the is done!!!
My boy Tamoth but as Bnnuy 👀😳💖

9 36