"Alka Seltzer Iguana" - Episode 467

Hells yes! Part of the Pharmaceutical Animal Universe.

40 549

"The Santa Curse" (The Santa Clause) - CoG The Santa Clause
“The One Where He Has to Steal a Wife (Wherein it's Revealed that Santa Claus has a Hibernation Period... That's Weird, Right?)" (The Santa Clause 2) - CoG The Santa Clause 2

11 132

"Second Avatar: Hello, Look Around It's All Wet Now" (Avatar: The Way of Water) - MrSM Do you remember Avatar 2009?

13 241

"Religion and a Monster Comes to Town" (Midnight Mass) - BSCCBC 30

4 89

"A Bunch of Apes Mucking About (But They're Smart Apes)" (Planet of the Apes movies) - Episode 449

20 366

“Teen E.T.” (Tenet) - Episode 345

I am proud of this.

19 337

"Thfour" (Thor: Love and Thunder) - No idea

Can’t find where I write this down. It was ages ago, prior to any announcement of the actual title.

4 138

"Star Wars: Look at All These Clones (They're About to Attack I Think)" (Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones) - MrSM The Phantom Menace Marketing Invasion

As seen in the most recent video!


23 219

"Rescue Boys" (Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022)) - Episode 435

2 101

"Month Knight" (Moon Knight) - Recap Moon Knight

Only one week left… will they ever say “Month Knight” again?

3 100

"Snorebius" (Morbius) - Episode 429

This is definitely becoming the new No Time to Die.

3 200

"Doctor Strange is Having a Big Crisis Across Time and Space" (Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness) - MrSM Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Trailer Breakdown

5 114

"James and Mason's Zack Snyder's Justice League" (Zack Snyder's Justice League) - MrSM Ranking Every Death in The Suicide Squad

As seen in today’s video!

2 99

"A Boy and He's Italian But He's Also a Merman" (Luca) - Episode 378

9 137

Fine art from latest podcast by Paul Harrap

11 516

"The Weird Crew" (The Bad Batch) - Ben’s Mom

Hey , please give my highest regards to Ms. FromCanada!

4 89

"Venom: Get Ready for a Piping Hot Slice of Carnage, Here it Comes" (Venom: Let there be Carnage) - Episode 385

7 169

"Hugh Jackman Owns a Circus and He Beats Elephants to Death" (The Greatest Showman) - Episode 237

16 218

"If I See One More Fucking Sorcerer I Will Flip My Wig" (Doctor Strange) - MrSM WandaVision Episode 7 Review

13 217