Played fire emblem all day so have a lazy adeleine doodle that took me like 5 minutes lol

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Sometimes I hate having all my mspaint doodles on 1 canvas because every time I look slightly to the left I’m forced to gaze upon THE WEEVIL ZONE and I remember the 3 hours I spent trying to adopt a child in Bin Weevils

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I forgot to post Spamvil Bin weevils woopsie!!

I'm sleeping for real I swear

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tags : pen sketch , traditional art , weevil time

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WEEVIL!!!! There are so so many kinds of weevils and they have such funny little faces/ necks.. you could get so fun with it

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I got a little silly and drew a weevil line that’s kinda based on an old idea involving pecans and pecan weevils, which has now become a Tree Weevil who carry their children in their leaves. Bug Normal

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Niamh attempting to win hearts through bribery of weevils and weasels
Kingston belongs to @/CawsGoCrow and Meryem to @/saltycryptid

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[ ocs ] some weevil fellers... weevils are my favorite bug and who am I to pass up making some more snoot guys

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Psst! You like beetles? We got beetles. We have weevils, dung beetles, carpet beetles, beetles that explode, ones you can eat, sentient bugs in all shapes and forms.

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NEW ENEMIES! Here are four Dweevil variants you will find in the Made by our lead artist, Bubbles! Dweevils will be one of the most common enemies you face on your journey. The withering dweevil was taken from Pikmin 251, an awesome hack by !

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I love weevils so much 🥺 (some weevil fan art i did a while back)

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redraw of the tweevils! the old piece was like,, 2 years ago

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thinking about how kola weevils are a major pest of kola nuts, and one traditional practice in cameroon for keeping them safe is burying them in termite mounds. the termites will leave the nuts alone but will keep their nest free of weevils...

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since i made bratz face why not make burdine and the tweevils cause ngl there my favs💗

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