丁輝人繼續消失 我繼續畫竹馬

3 12

The more you are trapped in the dark, the more you will shine.

88 202

半頭竹馬 不能再更配

6 29

我:我要來畫2022 SG的安安把自己帽子戴輝頭上

2 13

last minutes of wheesa day 🥺

73 205


179 464

竹馬沒有接髮就是小狼尾 好可愛🥹🤲
Wheesa without extensions= baby wolves🐺🥹

0 5

When you hired 3 employees but they are the loser crew

1 6

POV: A kid on the wedding saying hi to his rich aunt and her “roomate”

0 3

Wheesa babies
Mamamoo my con 230108

0 1

high school life if they didn’t debut as idols

1 7

When your plumber offers a bit too much

畫到放棄但畢竟是我竹馬 還是發個

0 6

Wheesa AU 🇵🇭 (short)
Title: What if?

Plot: What if the hot girl you had a ONS with on new year's day suddenly came to your office and became your new boss? To top it all off, she keeps flirting with you and your introverted self can't keep up.

Art by:

8 31

When your bff can’t sleep well so ask you to keep her company

2 15

Same AU(?)
When you decide to take a nap on your fav pillow aka your bff

0 1