BREAKING: just purchased for 99 ETH ($371,343.06) Welcome🤗

Wallet created today, and ENS held the domain davidchappelle.eth for him and allowed him to mint 2 it hours ago

Ironically, his name on OpenSea is "FollowtheWhitePeople"

1111 6302

Logan your role in was so powerful 👑💯 You think you'll consider anime voice acting roles too in English dub?! Your perfect for a revolutionary protagonist ⚔️👍🏾🤓#kasakagamingproject

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It's that time of the year that melanin begins to fade and start viewing me as one of them.
With that I notice the amount of racist speaking and bigotry is said in my presence. Time to put on my hat and get to work on dismantling racist rhetoric.

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