It’s the end of the Wii U and 3ds eShop. It’s the end of an era, but still not the end for the 3ds!

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End of an era...

The 3DS was my early childhood, and aswell as the Wii U (eventhough I was extremely late into it).

Here's a final tribute to the Nintendo eShop for Wii U & 3DS (2012-2023)

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わーーっい自慢 イカちゃんガナッシュ超かわいいえへへへ… この神キャラデザのガナッシュくんが友情の意味を知る魔法で戦う神RPGマジカルバケーションはWiiUeshopにて好評配信中ですみんなやってね><

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