Check out this 1:25 Variant by comics superstar (#Wildstorm Killer, right?! Not only is it dope as hell he did a piece for me, but it came out amazing as well. Grab it while you can on my Dragon’s Skull Kickstarter live now:

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"I am stronger with you on my weakest day than in my best day alone."

Midnigher and Apollo, "Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special", "Together".

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Remember this Wildstorm character? Union? McKone and I (along w Mick) did a pin up in Union back in early 90s. I think it was just before our Wildstorm Spartan mini series that Kurt Busiek wrote..

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Team 7 cover mock-up w/ Cole Cash. Or Grifter. Or Deadeye. Whichever you wanna call him

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Going to dig into the Wildstorm toy box and nominate Sarah Rainmaker!

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I've been looking forward to The Anybodies by Scott Lobdell/Brett Booth on Kickstarter. I backed it last year, and it's WAY late due to behind the scenes issues, but looks to be coming soon based on the latest update.

Has an cool premise, and looks like a modern WildStorm book.

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WildStorm Backlash
pencils and inks by
colours by

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Dinah Lance (Black Canary)

Birds of Prey (1999) Rick Leonardi, Rodney Ramos + Jesse Delperdang & Wildstorm FX

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maxine manchester aka ladytron or somethin like that

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•WILDSTORM 30th anniversary special
•Dc's Harley Quinn romances

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Flashpoint introduced the Wildstorm characters into the DC Universe, in issue 6 there's a cameo of Midnighter and Apollo, members of the team

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Worlds End is a crossover event between the wildstorm characters that ended months before their merge with the DC Universe in Flashpoint

•The Authority 2008
•Wildcats world's end (some members of the team move to this book)

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The Authority

É um filme baseado em uma equipe de super-heróis com métodos bastante extremos de proteger o planeta que se originou no final da década de 1990 sob uma marca influente conhecida como Wildstorm.

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I wasnt a wildstorm artist, but i wish that i was!!! Christine Balze doing her thing and in style. What Wildstorm Characters do you want to see?

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Robotech (2003) // WildStorm
Story: Jay Faerber
Art: Long Vo

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2022 art or whatever idk i didnt draw that much this year. A lot of Cole Cash and Wildstorm huh?

Previous years below if you like looking at art progress or w/e

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It's Tuesday. You know what that means. update for all DC Comics released today that feature a Cass appearance in them. Cass appears in two comics this week:

Batgirls 2022 Annual
Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special (one panel)

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