I ended up only making one more drawing for Witchtember, so here's the mushroom prompt.

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Sorry for the hiatus.

I didn't manage to finish witchtember, but here's what I made across the month. I don't know why I always struggle with these monthly painting challenges, do any other artists feel the same way?

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Practica y diseño de personajes inspirado en el hice una historia completa para ellas dos, pero no les di un nombre aun.

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Day 7 of books 📚 a little familiar reminding you to take a screen break and work on that pile of books you’ve been meaning to read (yes this is a self-call out)

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Decided to skip ahead because I can’t catch up as much as I’d like on so here’s day 5, with days 6 and 7 oncoming!

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Right, it’s time to show off the witches I have made over the last year!

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Day 5 of plants 🪴 a plant witch gathering flowers in the cooler hours of the evening and gossiping with some fireflies.

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Day 4 of witch hat ✨ a little kiddo trying on their parent’s hat and dreaming about when they’ll be a witch too.

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