WizardJump X Rarity Sniper 🪄

We've partnered with to be their Exclusive Rarity Partner!

And... We're giving away 5 WL spots now!

To enter:
1. Follow
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3. Like, Retweet & Tag 3 friends
*24h to enter

223 249

🍂 Giveaway 🌨️
✨Impact Fantasy X K01 CLUB

💮whitelist X 5
1️⃣ Follow
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3️⃣ Tag 3 friends

24 hrs⏳#NFTGiveaway

60 61

Alpha Birds x WizardJump

We will be giving away:
🧙‍♀️ 3x WL spots

To enter:
1️⃣ Follow , , &
2️⃣ Retweet + Like this post
3️⃣ Tag your friends

Ends in 24H

233 251