welp day 31 trick or treat! Lizy likes to trick most!, Hope you guys like this i Had a blast doing the art everyday! Happy halloween everyone.

3 20

Day17: Vulpera
Even the best survival experts need help ones!
I know i'm a day late... but at least i post it today x.x

4 10

For day 8 of , Witchwood/Blackwald. A scary place then and a scary place now. Be sure to take a friend. 🎃

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Day6: Gilnean Finery
My worgen dont really like to much clothes since he got bitten.

5 14

A little update:
Day4: Dragons!
I wasn't really happy with the one i postet since it didn't really fit here....
So here's my Worgen as Dragon!
PS: I will change my style for worgtober a bit, i like this little more comic like shading pretty much! :D

6 12

Day 5: Paying respect to the lost
My Worgen druid decided to go to the darkcoust again and pay respect to the burned land.

7 14

“Hey lieutenant, be careful, this ones feral. Found it lurking around the ol farmhouse just outside of darkshire.“

6 12

Day3: Defeated
Fighting wild can be can lead to injures... And fighting with claws doesnt really work with an arrow in the shoulder D:

8 20

A portrait of your Worgen
I'm going to be off by one day on all these prompts! I have a sketch ready for tomorrow's though!

This is one of my many Worgen, Vivleesi! She's a silly Worgen druid who loves to have fun!

9 19

Day2: Fighting in the warfront
My worgen is a druid so he fights wild! (But you can recognize him on the

7 15

First Liz and Agate as a profile, Not sure how I like it but yup, Can't wait to do the rest!!!!

7 24

Putting this in here so doesn't beat me up. Day 1 of Worgtober!

4 11

Day 1! Portrait of your Worgen. Kahyne Darrows, Gilnean Mercenary who can't stand dog jokes. This gives me a wonderful opportunity to practice Worgen more. So, happy Worgtober everyone!

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