You deserve your own place in this world, just as you are. Thanks for being here. ♥

All My Best,
Kate (Kate Allan ) Author of It's Your Weirdness That Makes You Wonderful

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알고보니 이번 카라오케 단편이 공개된게 때문이기도 했군요.

매년 10월 10일은 세계정신건강의 날로, 정신건강 문제에 대한 세간의 인식과 관심을 높이며, 편견을 없애고 올바른 지식을 보급하기 위해 정해진 국제 기념일입니다.

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surround yourself with good people, talk to them, good people with always listen.

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Quote tweet your comfort characters in celebration of Here are my comfort characters for those wondering:

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Take the opportunity to help bring awareness, Skull fam.. much love.🖤💀

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Quote tweet your comfort character(s) in celebration of

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El día de hoy queremos darte una invitación a que la salud mental sea importante para cada uno de nosotros,a que recapacitemos entre todos y nos ayudemos entre sí y que contemos con cada uno de nosotros en caso de necesitar una voz de escucha.

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Today's is World Mental Health Day, I created these pieces for anyone going through rough times and also to give them a message that there's hope on the other side too (represented by the hummingbird and the butterfly) at FND. TX!

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I dag markerer vi Verdensdagen for psykisk helse. Ta vare på de du er glad i.

Vi trenger hverandre.

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It’s World Mental Health Day

As we say “It’s all in the mind” let’s take care of it.

There can be many reasons but please reachout, if anyone needs to talk……

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