Llosgwyd rhan helaeth o blasdy Wynnstay, gan ddinistrio llyfrgell werthfawr o lawysgrifau Cymraeg 1858 https://t.co/eUI83Ft2Kh

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A large part of mansion was burnt, destroying the valuable library of manuscripts 1858 https://t.co/sJ9X3DvUlN

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The Williams-Wynn family of Wynnstay in Denbighshire emerged as one of Wales's wealthiest in the early 18th century, a status they were to retain for over two hundred years!

Discover more about their life
➡️ https://t.co/WcUEipTmfK

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Daeth teulu Williams-Wynn, Wynnstay, Sir Ddinbych yn un o deuluoedd cyfoethocaf Cymru ar ddechrau'r 18fed ganrif, a pharhau felly am dros ddwy ganrif.

Darganfyddwch fwy am y teulu
➡️ https://t.co/WocGYB4raI

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Llosgwyd rhan helaeth o blasdy Wynnstay, gan ddinistrio llyfrgell werthfawr o lawysgrifau Cymraeg 1858 https://t.co/l9mQmBVfEW

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A large part of Wynnstay mansion was burnt, destroying the valuable library of Welsh manuscripts 1858 https://t.co/iv5ObElgrJ

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