At long last! Goldeneye 64 has officially been announced for Will include higher frame rates, 4k resolution, achievements, and more!

Coming soon! 💚

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¡Scarlet Nexus llega hoy a Acá les dejamos nuestra reseña.

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Sea of Solitude was gorgeous, Its such a fantastic game! I loved the story about mental health & the things a person can got through during life. Yet another game Id have never played f it wasnt for The FPS boost on made it feel super silky too. 💚

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Skyfaring seems to be the theme with the latest RPG additions to We've got high-flying aerial-combat RPG already added, plus XII: The Zodiac Age landing soon.


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Hey, guess who's streaming tonight?
No! Me, you idiot!
Corgis getting fired up @ 9:30pm eastern.

Also, will be checking out Friday night, on-stream as part of

See you tonight! 🤘

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