I think Xellos came out pretty good here, but in retrospect I should have keep some of the lineart darker on Filia's face. https://t.co/uoGAMm4JOq

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10/ Update! 😄
Yes I know it's mostly fluff, but we all need fluff especially in the world we live in, don't you think ?

6 16

this is a rough one !
Thank you for the tag! old school

Top 4 Anime Characters!
✨ Xellos Metallium : Slayers Series
✨ Sora: .Hack//Sign
✨ Count D : Petshop of Horrorsr
✨ Tasuki : Fushigi Yuugi

Tag https://t.co/xZQNOQYa5p

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Priest Xellos vs. ?

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unfortunately, xellos

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4/ I have no idea how webtoon artists manage to produce a full episode a week. I can't.
Well maybe it's because, mostly , they are not stuck with a debilitating chronic illness like I am ^^,,, I could draw faster if my body would allow it ><

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3/ This update took me a long time. I had to redraw most pics from my previous short story to fit the graphic style of the new one.

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Link to my complete 2nd slayers Xelfi/Val second short story. Here it is. ( pdf file, english)

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1/ Xelfi Short Story 3 !!!🥳🥳
This comes directly after my last Short story (Val's rebirth) .
I'm so hyped! The drawing style is totally different but why not ? I'm trying stuff!

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I forgot to share the link to my complete slayers Xelfi/Val second short story. Here it is. ( pdf file, english)

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I still dream of drawing something complete with these guys.

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I know I'm only about halfway through Shadowbringers, but Emet-Selch has really big Xellos energy so far.

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