Thanks for the tag
Persona 4G and Trails is lyfe 🙌

For me, damn, too many games to mention BUT I'll start with these 3:

⭐ Breath of Fire 2
⭐⭐ Xenocrisis
⭐⭐⭐ Guard Duty

Xenocrisis and Guard Duty truly are remarkable games. They deserved to be mentioned!

0 6

The final fight against mutated Herzog for , as i really love this game, this is for you guys!

5 30

We have to talk about... Xeno Crisis for Neo Geo. New episode of Neo Geo Generation! This time we're taking a break from the series to cover a new game!

5 30

Final 'gory' arena created by me in 2018 for from . Using a 16 colour palette.

Please check out our latest game

68 551

Dos últimos descubrimientos pendientes muy molones:

- 20XX: Roguelite + Megaman muy divertido y con curva de dificultad muy bien ajustada. Muy chulo.

- XenoCrisis: Vaya godaza de ARCADE old school, cuando ya me tenía enamorado me entero que salió para MegaDrive en 2018 O_o

1 18

Last year, our friends at made it possible to release for

Now they’re blessing with a brand new port of


RT to show ‘em some love!

Physical preorders Apr 8th >>

29 78

Everyone go buy it now if you haven't already as it's an incredible game! 👍 😀

1 3

The Dreamless 24-Hour Marathon continues with right now at

Donate here to help us hit our next goal of $1000 to play the unreleased game Propeller Arena:

6 14

If you haven’t preordered our Limited Edition of be sure to get your order in soon...


Only 2000 copies will be produced, with less than 10% now remaining. We greatly appreciate the continued support for physical releases!

13 72

We’ve updated our listings with a fresh wave of new/upcoming titles including latest porting project arena shooter “strip’em up” and action platformer

For region/platform info and release dates, visit!

3 27

Xeno Crisis has finally landed on the Dreamcast and it's an absolute sci-fi blockbuster! Check out 's extensive review here:

29 88

Escuchad hablando sobre el juego para Megadrive y consolas actuales XENOCRISIS, noticias sobre Stadia, 160 y pico días sin Nintendo Direct y mucho mas. Ahora si está acabado mi dibujo.

4 14

[3.5 Hour Flash Giveaway] I’m so excited for the upcoming physical release of from that I’ve teamed up with the devs to give out one eShop code.

✅ Follow
✅ Like & RT
✅ Tag a Friend

Open to all & winner announced at 5 PM EST today!

381 475

Xenocrisis (NSW)


An awesome take on the always reliable Smash TV formula, with some stellar graphics and gameplay, this game definitely scratches my 2D arena shooter itch. It's especially impressive considering I normally don't like twin-stick shooters

0 3

There’s this topdown arena shooter called Xenocrisis that came out last year. The girl character looks pretty familiar!

85 1008

Trucs, bidouilles, machins: - Login Injector

0 1

Feature: Xeno Crisis Is Smash TV Meets Aliens, And It's Looking Incredible

16 64