First commission ready!

(a part of Peter ybg's unfinished comic)

Thank you very much for trusting me, I appreciate it💖

Made by me, with effort and love^^

17 335

We are celebrating
👉 officially becoming the YBG/RBG Community Manager!

👉Bad Bunny Society

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48HOURS! 😉

182 206

None human Y/Nsonas! >:D

I saw your sona and thought they looked so iconic, I just had to draw them! <3

4 28

He’s to tall and got tugged by the earbuds lol xD

7 110

There is no reason specifically to say why I drew this, it just came to me, since my character's butt has a different perspective XD

10 159



6 91

Just gotta take one more second to look back at the last 9 days of shuffle wins. Officially a WICKED member and made it into YBG. Also scored that dexter bones. LFG.

4 29

This is actually a drawing from earlier in the week, it just took me ages to colour xD

6 103