may i... annyonghaseo kassi mi da that's all the Korean i know

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Roommates and 99’s wishes. Yohan always gives special photos and wishes on member’s birthday. Be happy and goofy guys. Congratulations on your birthday Yongha, eat well 😁❤️

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Yongha Kim I love you. I truly love you, You fill the void in my heart and stop the pain. I really need you in my life, you complete me. I would do everything for you, I would sacrifice everything just to be able to spend a day with you, I’d do anything, just give me a chance.

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waaaa yongha and satoru gojo’s domain expansion gesture

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so i’ve been seeing kfans compare yongha to pierre from “sugar sugar rune” and even oui ent writers seem to agree 🥹💛

“living, real life pierre, yoo yongha”

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