TEAM YASUDAの愉快な仲間たちがやってきたぞ!


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📢Des chaussures pour parcourir le monde, des gants pour attraper le ciel !

Découvrez le nouveau shônen d’action explosif : "Bootsleg" de !

Tome 1 disponible le 16 Juin chez

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⚠️ WIP ⚠️

CAMMY from recently watched the Cammy v Manon video and i simply love her look. Akira Yasuda and Bengus are the reason i draw & I wanted to try to emulate that. will finish soon,

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the animation director for yesterday's ep, Shūhei Yasuda (安田周平) has also taken part in JN132, The Finals IV: "Partner" ⚡ he's the character designer for both SM & JN!

i just love his art style SO much, hoping that he'll still be around for PM2023 🤞

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Me encantan como dibuja Yasuda, pero digamos que el diseño de personajes del Digimon (no sé si lo hace también Yasuda) no me encanta. Vamos, cero problemas con poner a una chica vistiendo así, pero queda raro cuando es lo habitual entre los personajes femeninos y no a todos

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Walau yelanqu blom pulang, tapi yasudah lah ya masih lama juga 😀 kupersembahkan mommy yelan 😘☝️

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🧐 Les news
- Ao no Miburo de Tsuyoshi Yasuda le 19 mai chez
- L'épisode d'1h de L'attaque des titans diffusé le 3 mars
- DreaMaker arrive chez le 6 juillet
- La suite de Solo Leveling arrive en exclusivité sur le 3 mars

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『マクベス』福岡雄大、米沢 唯
Photo by Satoshi Yasuda

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merge yg sangat membagongkan tapi yasudahlah

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Kayaknya hari ini aku rada sial, udah telat, salah bawa buku, belum ngerjain tugas.. kira2 apalagi nanti
Yasudahlah cukup dg kesialan dan lihatlah another ayang gepengku😗

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Yusei Takamatsu [CV: Rikuya Yasuda.]
A cool and start guy who handles things with ease. He comes from a family in entertainment who see idol work as a job that only requires good looks. In an act of rebellion he’s aiming to be an idol and is seen a disappointment to them.

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33. "Fool Night" by Yasuda Kasumi, recommended by Sui Ishida, Shuzo Oshimi, & John Tarachine.
5 vol - ongoing

Dystopian Body Horror Sci-fi Manga in which humans sell their sick bodies for money to get turned into plants & produce oxygen in a world without sunlight.

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Next up: Sayuri Yasuda!

A kind young woman from the modern era that believes that the pen can be mightier than the sword. Sometimes, anyway. Studious and sweet, she has a surprising amount of spiritual energy which made her perfect for the saniwa initiative.

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Happy birthday Risu! 🎉 Telat 2 hari tp yasudahlah www
I tried to draw Risu in retro anime style again as a birthday gift! Hope you like it🥳

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. 『女子からモテない安田尚憲』
(Naonori Yasuda, unattractive to girls)

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The culprit is ****. Yasuda and Yasuhiro in the golden land.🦋


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