Here are my picks for day 86 of
My favorite artwork is the Unglued 'Swamp' by
I especially like the colours in this, blueish, foggy swamps looks so mysterious!
But apart from that, this card frame is still my absolute favorite!

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Loads of good options for today, spoiled for choice:

I decided on my first white mythic, with one of my favourite Planeswalker designs: Gideon Jura.


Last 4 picks:

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choices today:

I need some more noncreatures, and I am a sucker for both trope namers, and for old-border cards from this era, so USG Glorious Anthem does it for me.

Set so far:

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- 2 weeks in! I am using 's tool at to pick a card with a collector number matching each day, and trying to cook up a coherent set out of it.

My pick for today is Dauntless Bodyguard, one of the cleaner executions of that concept.

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choices for today:

I picked Countless Gears Renegade as a solid common curve filler that's also decent a little later in the game. I need to get some 1-drops in here though!

Set so far:

Last 4 picks:

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