Delighted to be working with at to produce the 1st Yellow Book wellbeing resource for the Uni - Feat creativity from students/staff & wider areas of Nottingham coming soon - Gr8 art

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.#ArtLiftingLockdown Entries for the creative wellbeing resource

Visit link to Enter, View Gallery & read the comments:

Free Entry for all ages - Brighten days through creativity!

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Free Entry for all ages - Brighten days through creativity

Visit link View the Gallery & read the comments:

Entries for the creative wellbeing resource

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Wow! Submitted Cover Art by students at for Breath-Taking by & for the project

Track to feature on the digital resource to support students & staff

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Congrats! creativity by children & Marshfields Community Special School to make lyrics & art to song for

TY assessors J Dom

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Congrats! Winning image & words by children & Marshfields community special school to make lyrics & cover to our song for

TY assessors J Dom

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Congratulations! This piece from Hertfordshire has been chosen by assessors to be published in

Prizes at House of Lords hosted by !

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Congrats! This piece from Marshfields Community Special School in Peterborough has been chosen by assessors to be published in

Prizes at House of Lords hosted by !

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Galleries of Art & Poetry for created by those & Marshfields will be ready to view soon! - Here's some of the amazing art & photo's from students at the business & enterprise academy

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Happy - Galleries of Art & Poetry for created by those & Marshfields will be ready to view soon! - Here's some of the amazing artwork from students at Marshfields Community Special School

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Happy - We are delighted that the extensive galleries of Art & Poetry created for will be available to view soon - Here is a selection of the amazing artwork from Children

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Actors blowing off steam after such heavy topics at Rehearsal for

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Congrats ! Chosen by national assessors for cover art & by the assessors to feature in

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Congratulations ! Winning image 'Shoreline' features as single cover & is published in

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Congratulations to Christopher Bent! Art "Shoreline" chosen to be published in

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50 creative entries published in the national & a further 30 published in New entries! have you entered?

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