For all of our Slytherins, there's a pose just for you. The Slytherin, a.k.a. Snake Pose, is a great one to perform if you're trying 🐍 Tweet us your best yoga poses!

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Yoga-Wan and the Standing Side Bend Pose・ヨガわんと立位の三日月のポーズ
"My head is too big that I can't put my hands together (LoL)"

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Yoga-Wan and the Revolving Chair Pose・ヨガわんとねじった椅子のポーズ
"Ohh I feel it in the ribs!"

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“It’s hard to be invested in yoga when there so much cake in the world.l said Frog, knowingly! 🌼✨😌

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Yoga-Wan and the Standing Half Forward Bend Pose・ヨガわんと半分の前屈のポーズ
"Keep your back straight!"

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Yoga-Wan and the Half Moon Pose・ヨガわんと半月ポーズ
"Not falling over, not falling over..."

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Yoga-Wan and the Upward Bow Pose・ヨガわんと上向きの弓のポーズ
"Ohh my back feels good!"

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Yoga-Wan and the Mountain Pose・ヨガわんと山のポーズ
"Stay still like the mountain..."

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Yoga-Wan and the Bow Pose・ヨガわんと弓のポーズ
"Don't push yourself if you can't do it!"

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Algunas comisiones que he hecho, cuál estilo te gusta más?
Here are some commissions I've done. Which one is your favorite?

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Yoga-Wan and the Garland Pose・ヨガわんと花綸のポーズ
"It's a great pose to strengthen your thighs~."

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